【問題】AP Credit

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我報名了 ap calculus bc

在考慮要不要考 ap statistics

我看了ucla的ap credit policy


school of engineering and applied science

statistics 那一欄寫 unassigned


unit那兒又寫了 4.0 unit


unit 是啥意思?

那我考了到底拿不拿得到 credit?!

這種不是必修的課 我考了ap有用嗎?


這還蠻緊急的 我學校報名時間已經過了說

如果要考的話 我要趕快去喬 @@"


What it means is that, if you take the test and pass it, you get 4 units but it's not for any specific "class". For example, if you get a 5 on the calc BC test, then you get your unit AND it means that you have taken Math 31A/Calculus at UCLA. If you pass your stats test, then you get your 4 unit, but it doesn't mean you have taken any stats course, because they didn't assign it.

You get what I mean? If you pass your AP test, you will get the equivalent units at UCLA, but you might or might not have a course that goes with it.


so, if i pass the ap stat exam and my school does not require me to take stat

do i get those units?

I asked one of my friends. He wasn't quit sure about it but he said those units i get from passing ap stat can be count as "elective units"

I have no idea what the heck is elective unit, though. This kid is in my grade, he didn't know what that is, neither.

ap policy is so confusing. Gosh! how can they expect some high school kids understand those college terms!

Does anyone know what is elective unit and what courses are regarded as electives?

After all, will taking ap stat do me any good?

I dont want to spend time studying those crap and get nothing in return.



