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well, luckly no one makes fun of my accient cause i guess it sound ok to them

but the thing i cant stand is that my "friends"

have to make FOB jokes.

dude, i mean what's wong with FOBs. they dont have an extar arm or anything.

its like no matter how much effort i put into this, they will be like "FOBs are always FOBs."

its so annoying.

by the way, i am at San Francisco.


Aha...Fob jokes. Hmmmmm - have my friends make these jokes before? Or have I made them myself? o.0 Don't think so....oh wait. Yes, I have heard of fob jokes. In fact, it's more like a friend of mine telling me how much she hates the accent etc. *shrug* Rather than saying fobs, I prefer to say "international students" - well, it works in my term. I'm at uni afterall - the most international uni in all of Australia in fact. I'll have to be truthful and say I do complain about international students though = =|| *sorry*

Basically, I just get annoyed when I have to deal with tutors who can't speak English - like, at ALL. Wondering how they ever n entered uni in the first place. Oh, and please don't say, "Well, they just got here. It's hard for them." No no. These guys have been here for at least 3 years. It's no excuse really. Not anymore. I just get annoyed whenever they hang out with fellow international students and never bother improving their English and then, once they get their graduation certificate, they go back to their country and never return, learning hardly anything about the culture of the country they've spent 3 to 4 years of their life and knowing as much about the country as the next tourist arriving at the airport. Annoys me to no ends.


hmmmmmm...... I don't wanna be viewed as a racist by others......

but... it's really difficult to understand STRONG Viet accent, and Indian accent as well...=''=

To the one above me:

what sorts of tutors did you meet......

my chinese teacher told us that when he was in Maquarie Uni, doin' maths course, he was just fully a bludger at uni. And his English accent is...... :s ...... well... the main reason of he being discriminated by our students...... apart from ESL people......


His accent....or his attitude? Trust me, accent is no barrier. I've plenty of friends from different countries, all wielding different accents. Indonesians have their own accent, Singaporeans and Malaysians have yet another and Indians also another. It's all good. The only difference is, when people go to another country, do they VENTURE hanging out with the locals? Most of them don't and then they feel they get discriminated because of their accent but that's usually not so. What usually does happen though is they start speaking, and they become self-conscious that they have an accent or they're not speaking that well and they feel they burden others because they need to spend a lot more time to try and comprehend what you say. What tends to happen is you don't like to speak that much and eventually, you give up and recoil back to the society you feel comfortable with (ie. hanging out with other international students). You see, people are more than happy to make friends with anyone, even if you have an accent. We understand. The key is, you must stay PERSISTENT. It's the same deal with my cousin who just came to Australia. She stops trying to speak or express her thoughts because she can tell her fellow classmates don't really understand her. Sometimes she need to keep asking them questions when she don't understand classes and she probably sensed some of them are impatient. So she starts to recoil and that's when I go, "BE PERSISTENT!" If you try your best to get your point across, people will listen. It's got nothing to do with accent. That's a social misconception.(Of course, I'm not saying that discrimination doesn't happen. However, it's not just one-sided. How are locals going to warm up to international students when all they do is flock at the sight of us and gather in their own little groups? Here's the two sides to the argument:

International Students:

1. Scared to talk to locals for fear of discrimination due to accents

2. When they need to do group works, they immediately find fellow international students because they don't want to work with locals for fear of burdening them or being discriminated by them due to the possibility of them getting annoyed of their lack of good English skills

3. When locals ask you questions about class etc. you become apologetic and immediately reply, "Sorry, my English is bad. I don't understand," just so you can deflect any further conversation and save yourself the trouble and embarrassment of displaying your English skills.

Local students:

1. They DO NOT understand why international students bunch up in their own groups and never come talk to them

2. During group works, all international students group into their own groups and try to stay well away from you - and you have no idea why.

3. When you ask an international student a question about class, they look at you petrified and immediately say ,"Sorry. My English is bad," and go right back to their friends and start chatting fast in another language about what just happened, while you sit there confused and a little offended.

See the problem here? It's ALL misconception - 誤會! 天大的誤會!

While international students need to be persistent and venture out to mix more with the locals, locals need to stay more patient and understand the difficulties international students have to go through. It's a 2-sided thing. So here's the question. You SURE your Chinese teacher really was discriminated because of accent or did he never really TRY to talk with the locals more and try to make them understand? :p If ti's the accent, then he was terribly unfortunate.

Of course, at my university, since there's SO MANY international students, it gives international students more of a chance to just bunch up in their own groups and not hang around with locals. For cases such as my cousin who's thrown into boarding school and the number of Asians or Chinese-speaking students are pretty much close to zero, she has no choice but to hang out with locals - and voila! Smooth sail there (of course, 70% is her own hard work :p)

As for the tutors I met - oh, the horror!

They can't string 2 words into one sentence. They don't even try!! They come, try to read off the terse answer sheets they are given. When asked a question, he starts with, "Well, first you can do....this...and this.....because...well.....yeah."

This is where you look at him and go, "Sorry? What was that? Can you explain again?"

Tutor: "Yeah...well - like that!"

You: "No....can you...explain a little better?"

Tutor: "Oh well...it's just...like that....yeah. Yeah? Ok?"

You: "No....."

Tutor: "Well...I don't know then."

You: o.0

This particular tutor also did the following:

You: Sorry but we don't really understand the assignment spec. Can you explain it to us a bit better?

Tutor: Sorry. I'm not a computing student so I don't know either

You:.....so.....why are you teaching a computing class??

*sigh* It's really annoying. Seriously, it has nothing to do with his accent. It's to do with the fact that he actually CAN'T speak much English at all despite being here for some time AND he doesn't display any indication that he's trying to improve or HAD spent time in the past to try and get his English up to scratch. Still don't believe me that accent isn't a problem? Well, here's two other examples.

Another tutor of mine was from the Middle East. He had the THICKEST Middle Eastern accent EVER. YET, we liked him. Why? He CAN string two words into one sentence. Even if there are times his grammar was incorrect, we could at least get a general idea of what he's trying to say. When he didn't quite get his point across, he tries another method. Point: He's making an EFFORT to try and communicate. The other one didn't even BOTHER.

Example 2: My 9th and 10th grade Maths teacher had the THICKEST Hungarian accent EVER. It took all of us at least SIX MONTHS to understand him completely YET we loved him! Why? He makes an effort to teach well! He DOES teach well! He's the best maths teacher I've ever had!

Do you know what the sad part is? The tutors that I DO have a problem with are usually Asians. WHY?! Is there something about us that keeps us from learning English as well as other foreigners? Or had going overseas become a trend that most people go overseas or learn English without really knowing why? I tend to think it's the latter. Our culture had become, "Go overseas, learn English and come back successful," and people just do it as a trend. As a result, we go overseas without really knowing why and hence, don't really make an effort to learn the language/culture of the country you're at. As oppose to international students from other countries, many came here out of their own free will - so they DO know why they're there and hence make a much better effort.

Anyways....the end of my ramblings........I shall zip my mouth now


i totally agreed with Miki's stuff, she is totally right.

Now im on vacation, but while i was still in school... the asian students there love to just stick with one another, it was like... they really do not think about learning things from the locals, the ones i met all got the same answer- amercans are stupid, yes they are, but it does not mean you will not learn anything from them...

amercans are stupid

Haha! Same comment here. I always hear international students going, "Westerns are so lazy" etc.etc.

Well, interesting concept but pray, do tell me how come they're STILL the conquerer of the world and we have all but diminished into people who just flock over to leech *better* education just so you get a better chance in finding a job back home? Aren't we smarter than them? So how come we haven't come up with any ingenious idea in making our education system better to AT LEAST make our OWN citizens happy with it? (not that I'm saying Western education is good. Australia and the State's have been going downhill rapidly) Hypocrisy at its very best :p

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我來美國五年了,都待在華人很多的城市 LA, San Francisco,我偶爾也會遇到這種情況,但是只要我的權利不受影響,我通常不太在乎這種事的...

話說我就是那種都跟台灣人混的人啊哈哈 *汗*,我到現在還是講中文比講英文的時間多...

我其實一直都希望把我講英文的速度練到跟我黑人室友的速度一樣啊!!!! (講中文我算事講話速度很快的,不過英文就大概只有中等偏慢),不過我看大概是沒什麼機會了 Orz and by the way, I HAVE STRONG FOB PRIDE...(H)



