【問題】Science fair project

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i have a science project this year, since i have never take it all by myself before, i get no idea what can i do, lol

i chose a easy-looking topic "which color is the best for studying"

but honestly i dont know where to start, like should i analyze many kinds of colors and see which one is best for our eyes, or should I just ask several people to determine what's the most popular color?

if you have any suggestion, please tell me, infinitive thanks><



比較像 psychology



綠色讓人心情放鬆 紅色會讓人警張 藍色讓人沮喪


近幾年energy crisis是個火熱的話題

建議你寫 alternative fuel 會比較容易


上美國 energy department 的網站



寫出來的報告能貼切時事 還有深度

我去年的research paper就是寫alternative fuel

提醒你絕對不能 copy & paste呀 切記


Psychology IS science though.....

There's like Engineering (or any other degrees) combined Science degrees, majoring in Psychology.

Check this:


Personally, I don't see how you're topic is easy. It's INCREDIBLY subjective, unless you're prepared to perform some sort of scientific study whereby you study people's brainwaves and how they change and react when they see different colours whilst studying - which, by the looks of your thread, is not plausible. I guess there is the library and the net to check for any scientific journals or statical information to support your research. As for the other approach, you'll need to conduct a survey then but personally, I don't think that's sufficient evidence for your topic because people's opinion is incredibly inaccurate and wouldn't support your claims that well. You might also need to survey quite a lot of people before you have enough information to conduct any statistical examination to verify any hypothesis. In the end, I think it also depends how detailed your teacher is asking the project to be. If you don't need that much detail, maybe just do a survey and see if you can find any extra information that can support your findings. Good luck.


oh wow, those are great suggestions

yeah i ask my biology teacher yesterday, and she gave me some ideas, but i still find it hard, just like what you have mentioned before, lol

oh gosh you know what? start my project is kinda hard, even thought i have 9 days off, well i will try to figure that out

and thianks for you guys' advises, they really help a lot




