【問題】anybody know how to prepare for the biology tests?

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first, i gotta apologize for one thing, i cant type Chinese

alright but i think it doesnt matter

this is the second year i study abroad

and i take biology in my sophomore year

it was kind of... confusing and intricate

and the first quiz was easy... but i only got 65%= =":'(:|= =凸 :@:(

about half of my classmates failed the test= =""

i dont know if i will fail the second quiz....

well, i dont know, but it become harder and harder

and how did you prepare for the bio tests?

like sometimes i spent the whloe night studying, and i still can not do well on the test next day, that really made me freaking sad....

well, can you guys show me how did to prepare it?

thanks a lot




i wonder how u study biology. Do u try to understand the content or u just memorize everything? Its hard to have good grades without understanding what the book is talking about. Try to outline the context, label questions to ask urself before tests, and try to see if u can teach someone about the chapter; if u can teach others that means u understand the material and u should do fine on ur quizzes or tests.


oh yeah sometimes i just tried to memorize everything, because some parts are kinda convoluted and made me crazy

but now i try to understand it, and i think it works

i just put 3 books on my desk: textbook, work book and Chinese translation of high school biology= =

but it's good, made them a lot easier

and the previous test i think i did alright

i dont know, but probably i will get something like 85 or 90

and thanks for giving me suggestion!!!




