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2)公立高中,學費大約多少? 校風會不會很亂?

(像電影演的那種美國高中生一樣...女生耍心機之類的? = =" )









留學生可以讀公立的,但是校風阿= =...說老實話,多數公立的確挺亂,或者不亂的就像我們學校,老師不教書,自己考試自生自滅。但是公立比私立宜很多就是了,大概我也不了解。學校作息呢,通常看學校而定,但是多數學校的上課時間都是早上八點四十五分,但像我們學校就是八點三十五分。放學都是下午三點十五分。但是一日內課程的時間表又會有不同,我們學校一天四堂課,每堂課時間差不多兩小時(吧),不太確定,從來不關心= =而別的學校有可能一天六堂,時間短,而且連在一起(上完一堂就馬上跑去另一個課室)或者別的安排方式,不太清楚。


通常來說,讀single sexual school比讀mixed要好,mixed聽說很亂(沒體驗過)


私立的高中(含住宿)一年大概要花個4萬多澳幣吧, 相當於台幣100萬

公立的高中大部分沒有宿舍, 不過比私立的便宜很多, 印象中好像是澳幣幾百塊



6:30 起床去籃球training,

7:30 到餐廳吃早餐然後回宿舍換衣服 ,

8:45 開始上課, 一堂課是大概2個小時沒錯,

10:30 吃morning tea,

1:30 吃午餐,

3:30 下課, 回宿舍

3:30~6:00 中間是自由活動, 通常去運動,不然就是去學校附近的超市買零食

6:00 吃晚餐

7:00~9:00 晚自息, 每個人一定都要待在房間裡

9:00~10:00 也是自由活動, 我個人傾向這段時間吃宵夜(泡麵)

10:00 統一關燈, 不睡也不行


隔週的禮拜六早上都和友校辦比賽, 要做校車去打籃球(其他球類也都有比賽)

然後禮拜六下午和禮拜天一整天都沒事做, 都是打打電動, 去市區逛逛

私立的學校校風比較好, 而且同學也都比較友善好相處, 老師也比較樂意幫忙

所以要是情況允許的話, 我覺得就讀私立高中會比較好



私立的.算是留學生學校在melbourne哦..剛要來時看我媽付的費用..真的嚇到了.到明年底差不多是69萬家homestay and 語文班.放心不會這麼貴.是我學校很貴.我哥學費是我的一半.因為他讀公立的

你可以去問問看仲介.他們那邊會也資訊的.還有假如是要來墨爾本的話小心這的氣候. 非常crazy的




但看到學費這麼貴...@@ (我覺得我媽根本就有點異想天開,但他...哀...我也不知道怎麼說)




另外,澳洲高中升大學的升學制度,可以說明一下嗎? 謝謝~



不要高二去. 好學校不會收

Edit: 學校找好了沒?沒有了話找學校會很難


You know....it's easier if I just throw you across to board of studies but *sigh*....serioulsy, HSC is so frigging complicated it's VERY HARD to explain (reason being hardly ANYONE know how it works)


我就講New South Wales 好了

第一: 除了英文以外, 其它科任你選(只要學校有教)



Physics 2 Units

English Advanced 2 Units

English Extension 1 (3 units)

Maths Extension 2 (4 Units)

Music Extension (3 units)


11年級最少念12units (well, they COUNT the best 12 units. Taking more units DO NOT MEAN you get a better mark. That's myth no. 1 I'm dispelling here)


eg. (using my subject choices)

In year 11, I chose:

English Advanced 2 units

Maths Extension 3 units

Music 2 units

Physics 2 units

Chemstry 2 units

Computer (I think?? Can't remember) 2 units

Total: 13 units (count only 12 though)

Year 12 I chose:

English Advanced 2 units

Maths Extension 2 (4 units)

Music Extension (3 units)

Physics (2 units)

Total: 11 units (best 10 counted in my final mark was 2 English, 4 Maths, 3 Music, 1 Physics)


Asessments and Final Exams

11年級算預習. 前3個學期不會算分

Assessment 是11年級第4個學期開始

Assessment每一科, 全年都有. Assessment 算總分的50%, 也叫School Mark

Assessment是學校定的. 有些學校定的比較難, 有些簡單. 難的通常是好的學校. 同樣的, 好學校的Assessment 會被Scale up, 也就是加分

example: (of for crying out loud, I've enough Chinese typing. The rest is in English = =|||)

School 1 gives an easier maths test than School 2. As a result, school 1's average mark for that test is 98%.

On the other hand, School 2's average mark is only 68%. I'm not exactly sure how they do it but some wierd statistical procedure happens and they will scale up School 2's mark so that it reflects the performance of the students there relative to that of School 1.

Final exam 在10/11月考. 算總分50%.

總分叫UAI. ie. Univeristy Admission Index. 是你的州名次. 也是說, 你跟哪年的12年級的總名次

eg. Your UAI is 99.8. That means, you are within the top 0.2% of the state.

If your UAI is 76.7 then that means you are within the top 23.2% of the state.

If your UAI is 100, then that means, well, your first within the state.

Note, people CAN have the same UAI. It represent which top percentage of people you belong in.

Also note, if your UAI is BELOW 30, you get the sign " * " on your UAI results. (lol)

What does these UAI mean? Ok - now let me dispel all frigging myths about university courses being better when they have higher UAI cut-offs.

UAI 是用來看你夠不夠格進你所希望的科目與大學.

eg. Law at University of New South Wales have a UAI cut-off of 99.8 in 2005 (I'm making this up)

Law at University of Sydney have a UAI cut-off of 99.9 in 2005

What does this mean?

Say at University of New South Wales, they have 5 spaces for Law

Unversity of Sydney have 4 spaces

All universities accept students with the highest UAI. So, say there are 4 students applying for Law at New South Wales as their first preference and 7 students applying for Law at University of Sydney.

Their UAI are as follows:

For the 4 students:

100, 100, 100, 99.9

For the 7 students:

100, 100, 100, 99.9, 99.8, 99.7, 96.5

University of New South Wales, having 5 sapces, will accept all 4 applicants. They will have one more space left.

University of Sydney, having 4 spaces, will accept the first 4 applicants. The last accepted applicant's UAI is their cut-off. That is, they will accept the students with 100, 100, 100 and 99.9 in the 7 applicants applying for their university. Hence, the cut-off is 99.9

Since University of New South Wales STILL have one more space, it will start accepting applicants who had missed out on their first preference and have chosen Law at University of New South Wales as their 2nd preference. It happens so in this example that the 7 applicants for University of Sydney placed University of New South Wales as their second preference. Hence, UNSW will accept the 5th out of the 7 applicants. That 5th applicant's UAI is 99.8. Hence, Law at UNSW's uai cut-off is 99.8.

(I may have confused people by now)

A course with a high UAI DOES NOT mean it's better or harder than the ones with lower. It just means it's more POPULAR. For one, law students at UNSW have less contact hours than engineering students and their cut-off is at least 10 more than engineering but less workload.

*sigh* I think that's as much as I'll explain here. When I could be bothered, I'll go back and translate them to Chinese = =.

For a list of subjects that you could do for the HSC, go to http://www.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/syllabus_hsc/syllabus2000_lista.html

Go through the alphabet (yes, we have that many subjects :p)

The aim of HSC is so that people are able to do well in the subjects THEY EXCEL AT. There's no nazi law that DEMANDS everyone to do maths and chemistry and physics because, well, not EVERYONE are mathematicians or physicians or chemists right? English is compulsory for obvious reason - it's the language we speak. A bit hard for a society to flourish if people don't speak the language well.

For overseas students, YOU CAN do another English called English ESL (or English as Second Languages). It's a 2 unit course. (2 units of English is compulsory)

2)公立高中,學費大約多少? 校風會不會很亂?

Tehcnically, public schools are supposed to be FREE but because the government isn't giving enough funding, a few hundred dollars is needed. 校風 - mostly bad - unless you can get into selective high schools such as Sydney Boys/Girls, North Sydney Boys/Girls, or James Ruse (there are others).


• A$6000–A$13 000 a year* (from http://www.studiesinaustralia.com/secondary_education#3 )


靠學校而定. 每一個都不一樣

Normal school hours: 9am to 3pm. Each lessons last around 30 minutes. There's also 15 minutes Recess break and 45 minutes lunch break in between.

For my school (private girls school), we get to school before 8:20.

8:30 ~ 9:00: Assembly

9:00 ~ 10:45: 3 lessons (each last for 35 minutes)

10:45 ~ 11:00: Recess break

11:00 ~ 12:45: 3 lessons

12:45 ~ 1:45: Lunch break

1:45 ~ 3:30: 3 lessons

After school hours: either go home or do some sports - up to you.


Well.....that depends on you really.....

Personally, I recommend selective high schools or private schools - private schools, especially, will ensure discpline and they usually have MUCH MORE dedicated teachers (I mean, the teachers at my school are always chasing round the girls who don't do their work and offer extra lessons just so they can catch up witht he rest of the year). However, private schools also don't like to take overseas student - especially if you can't demonstrate sufficient English level. The thing with HSC is people's school marks are affected by the OVERALL CLASS performance.

eg. You have 10 people in your class.

Top mark is 98. lowest mark is 80. People in the middle won't have their mark pulled down by much.

However, if the top mark is 98, lowest mark is 30 and most people around the middle did ok, say around the 70's level, because of the person with the 30, the ENTIRE CLASS MARK is pulled down b/c of that 30.

Private schools won't like to take overseas student during HSC years is mostly b/c there is too much risk there. The last entry point for private schools is year 10 (高一). After that, they ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to take in anymore new students unless under special circumstances.

Some schools may ask you to repeat a year. DO NOT BE PUT OFF BY IT. Buy time to get your English up and everything else will sail smoothly from thereon.

Anyways, enough from me....


Because noone enrolled for it. Board of Studies offer many subjects but it's up to the schools and different colleges/institutions which one they decide to take up and offer to students. If you're determined to do a certain course, then reason it out with your school. If that's a no-go, then go to other schools that teaches that course. If that's still a no-go, go to TAFE and check if they offer these courses. I have a friend who went to TAFE just to do Software Development (the rest of his HSC he did at his own school of course)


Same here... gonna repeat mathematics next year in tafe...一_一狠

It dragged my whole UAI down......T_T

Just wanna say a profanity

SHIT!= =#


來這邊千萬別學Economics, Business, Geography, History, and Mathematics

除非他們有Extension,否則很容易Scale down

還有語言類的,也儘量別選= =

甚至中文Background Speakers也有scalling down的傾向



It DOESN'T matter if there's scaling down in subjects (or scaling up in subjects). So long you do well and your rank is good then it matters not. In fact, the best rank to have is 1st or last. There are the only 2 ranks that doesn't gett affected. Being last doesn't mean it's bad so long you have a GOOD mark. So if you're last but your mark is like 90 (which will also mean that you're school is freakish), well, it matters not. No changes to you marks.

Btw, why are you repeating? Are you doing ur HSC over two years or something?


I just have to repeat one subject next year......

but something weird is that, my friend she got like two top band 5, one low band 5, and two other subjects got low band 4, and her UAI got 66. But I've heard from another dude, she tole me that her classmate has got almost the same results as my friend, and her classmate got 80 UAI something (at least over 75)......:s

and there's another dude...... he did extension 1 maths, even though he has failed one subject and got three band 3 one band five, and I've got one band 5 three band 4 and one failed subject, but his UAI is still much higher than mine...

I just wondered WTF...= =""...I'm just tired of calculating UAI... orz

  • 3 weeks later...

對了~忘記說還有university foundation program這條路


我去年就是讀Monash University在Perth的foundation course

目前有申請上 西澳大學的工程系, Tasmania的醫學系, 墨爾本大學牙醫系

(Monash uni 申請失利真的很可惜><)




UNSW 也有Foundation.

Nearly all universities have foundation (maybe not USYD - I'm not sure)

I just have to repeat one subject next year......

but something weird is that, my friend she got like two top band 5, one low band 5, and two other subjects got low band 4, and her UAI got 66. But I've heard from another dude, she tole me that her classmate has got almost the same results as my friend, and her classmate got 80 UAI something (at least over 75)......

Subject makes a difference too and as I've said - SCHOOL RANK makes a difference as well. Don't bother how they calculate it. Basically, they try and fit you into a bell curve and see where you sit there (wierd statistics calculation in short)

and there's another dude...... he did extension 1 maths, even though he has failed one subject and got three band 3 one band five, and I've got one band 5 three band 4 and one failed subject, but his UAI is still much higher than mine...

For that, go to www.boredofstudies.org and ask the people there. Experts of HSC calculations are there and they'll tell you why. The information you've given isn't enough to tell you exactly why the results are as such. Anyways, there is a possibility that your friend lied to you ..... :p

  • 2 months later...


來這邊千萬別學Economics, Business, Geography, History, and Mathematics

除非他們有Extension,否則很容易Scale down

還有語言類的,也儘量別選= =

甚至中文Background Speakers也有scalling down的傾向



我只知道在墨爾本 有很多科目是有的加分的


偏文的或熱門的才會scale down

還有一點就是學中文是會scale up的



