【美國留學】Freeman Asia Scholarship

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I want to apply for the Freeman Asia Scholarship, it is a scholarship held by Wesleyan University and it requires a local interview in Taiwan. Since I haven't been in an English environment for years, I need a tutor or someone like that. But it is kind of hard to find an English tutor in 員林 (that's where I live now). And it will be pretty expensive even if I find one.

Any suggestions? I will be very grateful to hear about the suggestions for either the preparation of the interview or the tutor

Thanks a lot!(L)


i can prepare you for interviews if you like! i have some experience from college application process and all the job searches I did over the past few years. it won't be face to face help since i'm in America, but i can still give you tips, suggestions, and give you practice over the phone or something.

payment is not necessary! :) (but if you'd like to contribute, i certainly welcome! =P )

let me know if you're interested!



